Wholesale Request
Add some sweetness to your shop! Sucre Sucre has been featured in retailers such as:
[powr-media-gallery id=4f8d3758_1499328921] [powr-photo-gallery id=1c975d3d_1500364513]
& many more! Do you carry SSM? Submit your logo to be featured here!
To apply for our wholesale discounts, please fill out the form below and Chelsea will get back to you personally within 48 hours!
Already a retailer of SSM? Be sure to join the new Sucre Sucre Stockists Newsletter and be notified of new grab bag promotions, special releases and bonus discounts!
Wholesaler Requirements:
X Have a physical or online retail store
X Provide retail location address
X All wholesale orders require a $100 minimum purchase
Upon approval, Chels will work with you personally to design an order that's perfect for you.
Let's get some tiny bits of goodness in your shoppe!
[powr-contact-form id=764eedea_1500147759]