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From @SucreSucreDaily: Almond Banana Poppyseed Muffin Recipe + Exclusive Muffin Sale!

Hi all! It's been an overcast, cloudy week in Monterey county and my need for Fall is tangible! Starting next week, I'll be in the Sucre Sucre Studio already starting Fall + Halloween to prepare for the Wholesalers' limited release holiday grab bags!

But until then, I'm mentally preparing myself and sourcing inspiration via sampling new fragrance blends for the Astral Apothic holiday lines, shopping for yarn to start my first-ever knitting quest (which will be comically vast, and available for your viewing pleasure on Youtube!), aaaaand making these amazing. Delicious. 





I posted up this little peek on @sucresucredaily of them fresh out of the oven, and upon request, here's the recipe! This is a mash up of several muffin recipes I've tried, and I really really like these : ) I have a terribly sensitive stomach, so I tend to eat very regimentally so I always source or put together rather clean-eating type ingredients, and gluten free as I have Celiacs. These muffins are made mostly with protein powder, unsweetened applesauce, erithyrol/stevia, and egg whites making them pretty healthy as well as low calorie! Depending on brands used, these clock in at only around 55-70 calories each, depending on your streusel allocation!

| Poppyseed Almond Protein Muffins |

► Dry Ingredients:

(2) scoops Light Protein Powder of Choice, I used Isopure Toasted Coconut

(1) tsp Baking Powder

(1/2) tsp Salt

(1) tsp Cinnamon

(1/4) cup Gluten Free Almond Meal Flour

(1/2) cup Erithyrol or stevia powder. I use Now Foods for the perfect sweetness!

(1) tbsp Organic Poppyseeds

► Wet Ingredients:

(1/2) cup Unsweetened Applesauce

(1/2) cup or 2 eggs worth of Eggwhites

(1/2) tsp Almond Extract 

(1/2) of a small banana, mashed 

► Optional (but not so optional) Streusel Topping:

(1/4) cup Gluten Free Oats

(1) tbsp Erithyrol

(1) tbsp Light Brown Sugar

(1) tsp Cinnamon

(1/2) tbsp Eggwhites

(1) tbsp Smart Balance Light Buttery Spread with Flaxseed, melted

(1/2) tbsp Unsweetened Applesauce



Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 12-cup muffin tin with cooking spray and set aside. I added Halloween liners at this step :3

In a large bowl, combine your dry ingredients and mix until combined. In no particular order, add in your wet ingredients and blend well until a batter forms. Distribute these into your muffin pan- using an ice cream scoop ensures each is the same size and will bake evenly. Pop these in the oven and set a 10 minute timer, then start on the streusel!

Combine your streusel materials, adding the melted butter last and mixing well until thick and pasty. I pop this in the freezer to set and chill until the timer sounds for the muffins. 

After your 10 minutes is up, the muffins should be rising and have a browning top on them. This ensures the streusel will sit on top and not sink : ) At this point, I take the muffins out and using a spoon put a dollop of topping on each one, then return them to the oven!

Allow to back for another 8-12 minutes, checking and removing them once desired browning/crisping is achieved! Allow to cool, then eaT ALL THE THINGS! I love to eat mine with a glass of unsweetened almond milk, and a dollop of frozen cool whip that has been slightly melted and folded with almond extract to make an almond cream! 

These are delicious especially into the next day, I let them sit on the countertop and they will keep for several days- but you'll be lucky if the batch is still around after day one!


And now, some muffin savings! Want 25% off a muffin charm? Click the muffin!


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